Enhanced Attributes for Content Server
By General Networks Corp
Enhanced Attributes is package of powerful, user friendly and flexible attributes, which can be applied to Categories and Workflow Maps. This module goes far beyond the capabilities of the Attribute Extensions module by providing configurable and efficient database lookups, date-type/format validated text fields, a calendar control for date entry, HTML attribute support, and the ability to create read-only attributes.
Enhanced Attributes is package of powerful, user friendly and flexible attributes, which can be applied to Categories and Workflow Maps. This module goes far beyond the capabilities of the Attribute Extensions module by providing configurable and efficient database lookups, data-type/format validated text fields, a calendar control for data entry, HTML attribute support, and the ability to create read-only attributes.
Enhanced Attributes for Content Server includes the following types of attributes:
- Database lookup with multiple column display and filtering capabilities. This is very useful for large tables containing thousands of rows. The user can enter a valid value directly and bypass the wait time for the lookup, or can enter a partial value and let the lookup filter a large table to a short list, or bring up the lookup and search/filter within it. · Read-only label attribute populated automatically from the Database Lookup attribute. For example, a user can select an account number using the Database Lookup, and the customer name and other information can be displayed using read-only label attributes.
- Date attribute with a fully-functional calendar control. Optionally, the calendar control can be configured to be populated from a database table so that only valid dates from a dynamic list can be selected by the user.
- Powerful text attribute with the ability to validate user-entered values using any preconfigured Regular Expression statement. This attribute will enforce any desired data type and format (e.g. social security or phone number formats). A user-friendly error message can be specified by the Administrator to display to users when an invalid entry is made.
- HTML attributes which allow support for html and hyperlink content. Out-of-the-box functionality does not render HTML content. This attribute is intended to be populated programmatically then displayed to users as read-only.
- All attributes can be configured to be required, editable or read-only. A good use of read-only attributes is where the value is set by a workflow or another process and the data is intended for user-viewing only. There are two additional multi-line text and checkbox attributes that can be set to read-only.