Legal Tech & eDiscovery

OpenText Recon Investigations Service

Gain rapid data insights for swift investigation decision-making from start-to-finish while saving substantial cost and time

of legal and compliance leaders say their biggest pain point in conducting investigations is not enough time to complete work with available resources[1]


Learn how to cut through data volumes with speed and efficiency

Led by a team experienced in unstructured data interrogation, OpenText™ Recon Investigations service offers companies and law firms end-to-end investigation services. Recon Investigations can assist with all types of investigations, including internal, compliance and regulatory, litigation assessments, c-suite vetting and breach response analysis.

How OpenText Recon Investigations service can benefit business

Recon Investigations helps find critical documents quickly to formulate case theory and strategy, ensuring potential evidence is not overlooked, in a fraction of the time and cost of a traditional eDiscovery review.

  • Speed up investigations

    Shave weeks or months off investigations with rapid access to the documents that reveal the critical facts around case strengths, potential liabilities and areas of risk.

  • Optimize time to results

    Leverage a start-to-finish, centrally managed, seamless workflow with the Recon team working at the direction of counsel and managing and executing all pieces for an effective investigation.

  • Make case decisions with confidence

    Receive a Recon Intelligence report with information on pivotal events, a summary of key actors and facts that answer underlying questions.

  • Reduce costs and gain budget certainty

    Save over traditional document review costs by finding the facts before a full eDiscovery review, and know the exact expenditures with fixed fee pricing.

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Leaders trust OpenText

See how customers are succeeding with Recon Investigations Service

See more success stories

Leading law firm automates document review with cloud-based eDiscovery solution from OpenText

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Serious Fraud Office uses artificial intelligence in the fight against crime

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Recon Investigations Service resources

OpenText Recon Investigations

Read the overview

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and Seminars

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OpenText Axcelerate: driving down the cost of eDiscovery

Watch the video

Independent consultant reviews OpenText Axcelerate Investigation

Watch the video

10 steps to modern ESI investigations 

Read the blog

How to handle chat data in eDiscovery and investigations

Read the blog

Solving the review team conundrum

Read the blog

OpenText eDiscovery and Investigations Services

Read the overview

Digital Forensics - Analysis and Expert Witness Services

Read the overview

OpenText Axcelerate Investigation

Read the overview

The duty of technological competence begins earlier than you think

Read the article



  1. [1]Compliance Week sponsored by OpenText, 2021.What factors are driving change in your corporate investigations processes?