Hundreds of thousands of people in Marrakech, Morocco, rely on the Régie Autonome de Distribution d'Eau et d'Electricité de Marrakech (RADEEMA) to keep their water flowing and their lights on. As a public utility company, RADEEMA plays an indispensable role in the daily lives of its customers and is always looking for ways to serve them better.
As part of this push for continuous service improvement, the company decided to embark on a major content management transformation. The aim was to digitize paper-based document flows and go paperless for both internal administration and external customer communications.
RADEEMA already relied on digital applications to handle everything from subscriptions to accounting to human resources management. However, these systems did not manage the huge amounts of documentation associated with company processes—presenting a major barrier to efficiency.
The project manager at RADEEMA elaborated, “We had two key objectives with our digital transformation. The first was to create a central warehouse for electronic documents. The second is to modernize our management system by deploying a new ERP, tightly integrated with the document management solution. This will allow our teams to work and collaborate more effectively and support better communication with our customers.”
On the purchasing side alone, we’ve seen a 25% reduction in administration volumes, simply from eliminating the need to photocopy so much paper.
RADEEMA worked with Finatech Group to deploy OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions—enabling it to integrate digital content with its current business systems.
Seamlessly integrate a comprehensive digital content management platform with any SAP business application and support information management
RADEEMA looked for an enterprise content management (ECM) platform that could integrate seamlessly with its current business systems. After benchmarking multiple options, the company determined that OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions offered an ideal fit for its needs.
“Finding a platform that would integrate natively with our future ERP system was a top priority for us,” said the project manager. “OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions absolutely delivered on that requirement. OpenText also ranks as a leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Content Services Platforms, which gave us confidence that we were choosing a proven solution.”
To help guide a smooth implementation, RADEEMA engaged Finatech Group, an integration partner that came recommended by OpenText.
The project manager confirmed, “Working with Finatech Group has been a very positive experience. The team impressed us with their expertise and attention to detail. Finatech Group didn’t just focus on the technical side of things, they went the extra mile to help review and redesign our business processes. That was a real value-add for us.”
With Extended ECM for SAP Solutions, RADEEMA has established a single, standardized document warehouse for the entire organization. Tight integration with existing applications has allowed the company to bring business processes and content closer together. Users can now access all the information they need without having to venture outside the systems they’re used to working in every day.
This fresh content foundation has provided a launchpad for multiple digitization initiatives at RADEEMA. These include the Digital Order Office: an online portal where customers and partners can digitally deposit documents. Alongside this, RADEEMA has launched the Smart-Relevé service, which automates meter readings, as well as newly digitized processes for purchasing management.
“Extended ECM for SAP Solutions has completely transformed our approach to content management,” noted the project manager. “I don’t think there is any other solution that could have done the job.”What we have achieved with OpenText and Finatech Group has been nothing short of a total transformation—and we’re only just getting started.
By removing paper from key workflows with the help of OpenText and Finatech Group, RADEEMA is achieving its goal of delivering faster and more convenient services to customers across Marrakech.
With OpenText, RADEEMA has finally cut paper from its workflows, making major efficiency gains in the process. In purchasing and order management, teams are no longer weighed down by piles of paper. All content now flows through Extended ECM for SAP Solutions and is accessible with a few mouse clicks.
Going paperless has allowed RADEEMA to significantly accelerate many content-related tasks. For instance, it previously took between 24 and 48 hours to process inbound documents, as mail had to be delivered, sorted, photocopied, and dispatched to the relevant departments. Now that the same documents are sent digitally, information is available almost instantly.
RADEEMA’s newly digitized approach is making a real difference for customers, too. No longer do they have to worry about mailing documents or bringing paper to branches in person. Instead, customers can submit the same information through the Digital Order Office and follow the progress of their request electronically.
The project manager gave another example, “When a customer signed a new contract, it was first logged with the purchasing team, who then had to photocopy hundreds of sheets and distribute them to other departments. Now, that same information is available digitally, in real time. On the purchasing side alone, we’ve seen a 25% reduction in administration volumes, simply from eliminating the need to photocopy so much paper.”
With RADEEMA employees able to access and collaborate on that information faster and more effectively, customers enjoy much shorter turnaround times and smoother interactions with their utility company.
The project manager concluded, “What we have achieved with OpenText and Finatech Group has been nothing short of a total transformation—and we’re only just getting started. We are continuing to digitize more documents and integrate them with other business processes. This unlocks even more opportunities to save time and money, help our people work more effectively, and shape seamless experiences for our customers.”