Today’s workplace health and safety management requirements have expanded to address critical topics, such as cleaning and sanitation and health screening and testing. As expert recommendations, regulatory guidance and industry best practices mature, measures continue to evolve.
Responsible employers are implementing safe workplace management measures to document operating policies and promote company-wide safety for all workforce initiatives. Whether creating an original playbook or utilizing industry sources, Safe Workplace Management solutions manage content to drive accountability, communication, and HSE compliance.
Effectively manage and clearly communicate safe workplace procedures while maintaining employee safety, production integrity, and customer and supplier loyalty.
Offer well-managed safe workplace playbooks with current procedures to ensure workplace health and safety, productivity and efficiency.
Continually develop and communicate processes to adapt and respond to evolving safe working requirements.
Minimize the potential for employees to inadvertently make errors that lead to operational shutdowns with well documented and auditable procedures.
Easily create and implement operating procedure changes to continually improve workplace performance.
Easily update playbooks with the latest protocols in real-time and redistribute from a central source.
Workers are expected to comply with all playbook measures. Without a centralized system, workers cannot be sure they have the latest procedures. Manage and distribute the most up-to-date playbook from a central source.
Many organizations rely on paper-based playbook copies. But, when they are away from their workstations, workers may not have access to the playbook, increasing potential operational and safety risks. Securely distribute playbooks to user devices.
Workplace health and safety management is constantly evolving to accommodate new recommendations. Manually updating multiple paper-based copies to stay current and in line with the latest guidance is inefficient and error-prone. Update protocols in real-time.
Organizations must demonstrate regulatory compliance to avoid fines and shutdowns. Paper-based playbooks and manual processes make it hard to prove playbook procedures are being followed. Avoid shutdowns with auditable compliance.
While the internal organization may be familiar with protocols, outside parties coming on premises are not. Without knowing the safety practices and procedures, visitors place themselves and others at risk. Extend support for onsite engagements.
World events have increased the pressure to maintain consistent operations for customer satisfaction. Organizations need access to reliable and efficient information to pivot and adapt. Keep workers healthy and operations running to meet expectations.
OpenText offers an integrated bundle of products to manage safe workplace playbooks.
OpenText Consulting Services combines end-to-end solution implementation with comprehensive technology services to help improve systems.