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Tenth Generation Technology Systems Limited Company

TENTH GENERATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS - TGTS Africa is an African business solution provider based in Ghana (West Africa) that is focused on implementing SAP systems, OpenText for Electronic Content Management and Esri ArcGIS for location-based solutions across industries in both the Private and Public Sectors. TGTS AFRICA boasts of a rich pool of experienced personnel that is required to meet modern challenges in systems deployment across our bouquet of technology platforms. We deliver real value to our clients by anticipating and addressing their challenges. Advising and helping clients requires a detailed knowledge of their industries. Thus, the approaches, methodologies and skills of TGTS AFRICA professionals are tailored to the characteristics of each industry. TGTS AFRICA provides consistent quality in all deliveries and, thereby contribute significantly to our customer's effectiveness and efficiency. Vision: To be Africa’s premier provider of high-end information technology services.


Region Africa
Product focus BPM - Basic Workflow - Accounts Payable;ECM - Content Lifecycle Management;BPM - BPMSuite - MBPM;BPM - Dynamic Case Mgmt (Case360);BPM - Accounts Payable;BPM - BPMSuite - Process360;BPM - Ent Arch & Bus Process Analysis;BPM - High Volume Imagining and Workflow;BPM - Windows Imaging;ECM - eMail Solutions;ECM - Enterprise Archive;ECM - Learning Management;ECM - Mobile Solutions;ECM - Captiva;ECM - Capture & Recognition;ECM - InfoArchive;ECM - LEAP;ECM - Clinical Archiving;ECM - Documentum Platform;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Healthcare;ECM - Document Sciences;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Energy & Engineering;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Lifesciences;ECM - Kazeon;BPM - Smart Process Applications;BPM - Cordys;ECM - PIXEL;ECO - MS - Email Archiving for MS Exchange;BPM - Basic Workflow - Int Doc Mgmt;BPM - Basic Workflow - Records & Docs;BPM - Basic Workflow - Trans Cont Mgmt;ECO - MS - Email Monitoring for MS Exchange;ECO - MS - Ent Library Web Parts MS SharePt;ECO - MS - AGA for MS SharePoint;ECO - MS - Capture for MS SharePoint;ECO - MS - Email Mgmt for MS Exchange;ECO - MS - Enterprise Connect;ECO - MS - File System Archiving;ECO - Oracle;ECO -;ECM - AppEnhancer
Type of partnership Reseller
Industry focus Automotive;Financial Services;Insurance;Legal;Manufacturing;Retail;Telecommunications;Consumer Packaged Goods;Education;Computer Software;Utilities;Distribution & Transportation;Energy;Engineering & Construction;Healthcare;Media & Entertainment;Professional Services;Public Sector;Travel;Computer Hardware
Partner level Bronze

Products and Services Overview

OpenText ECM SAP Esri ArcGIS

Corporate Address

35 Nii Sai Rd, Mempeasan
East Legon