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Telemikro Telecomunicacoes, Informatica e Microeletronica LTDA.

Telemikro develops and offers strategic solutions to improve enterprise content management. The first Brazilian company to develop automatic call boards, since its foundation in 1988, Telemikro has acquired experience and recognition in the telecommunications market. Currently, it is acknowledged in the IT area for developing an enterprise content management solution, integrating several different sources of information. As it is capable of providing services all over the country, Telemikro has currently over 200 registered customers among the largest and most reliable Brazilian companies. Our business: Strategic Solutions to Improve Enterprise Content Management.


Region Latin America
Product focus ECM - Capture & Recognition;BN - F&DD - RightFax;BN - F&DD - Alchemy
Type of partnership Reseller
Industry focus Financial Services;Insurance;Consumer Packaged Goods;Healthcare;Public Sector
Partner level Bronze

Products and Services Overview

Document Management; Character Recognition Solutions (OCR/ICR); Business Process Workflow Solutions; Digital Recorder for Courts, Legislative and Councils; Unified Messaging; Interactive Voice Response (IVR); Development Services, Technical Support, Training and Business Consulting.

Corporate Address

SCS Quadra 01 Bloco K, Sala 701 Lote 30 – Edificio DENASA

(55) 61 2196-8000