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iDoxSolutions Inc

iDoxSolutions, Inc. is a focused provider of imaging, document management and content management, records management and process automation solutions and services. Since 2001 iDoxSolutions has provided technology solutions that improve efficiency and increase productivity for more than 50 clients!


Region US
Product focus BPM - Basic Workflow - Accounts Payable;ECM - Content Lifecycle Management;BPM - BPMSuite - MBPM;BPM - Dynamic Case Mgmt (Case360);BPM - Accounts Payable;BPM - BPMSuite - Process360;BPM - Ent Arch & Bus Process Analysis;BPM - High Volume Imagining and Workflow;BPM - Windows Imaging;ECM - eMail Solutions;ECM - Enterprise Archive;ECM - Learning Management;ECM - Mobile Solutions;ECM - Captiva;ECM - Capture & Recognition;ECM - InfoArchive;ECM - LEAP;ECM - Clinical Archiving;ECM - Documentum Platform;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Healthcare;ECM - Document Sciences;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Energy & Engineering;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Lifesciences;ECM - Kazeon;BPM - Smart Process Applications;BPM - Cordys;ECM - PIXEL;BPM - Basic Workflow - Int Doc Mgmt;BPM - Basic Workflow - Records & Docs;BPM - Basic Workflow - Trans Cont Mgmt;ECM - OpenText Application Content Management
Type of partnership Services
Industry focus Public Sector
Partner level Silver

Products and Services Overview

iDoxSolutions supports multiple OpenText products. All iDoxSolutions contracts have been delivered on time and within the approved customer budget.

Corporate Address

7910 Woodmont Ave Ste 460

(301) 656-2300