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Start your free 30-day trial of OpenText Functional Testing

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Accelerate test automation

Accelerate test automation with one intelligent solution for web, mobile, API, RPA, and enterprise apps.

Simplify end-to-end testing

Simplify the end-to-end testing of 200+ enterprise apps, technologies, and environments with a single tool.

Increase test coverage—UI to API

Test both front-end functionality and back-end service parts to increase test coverage across the UI and API.

Automate intelligently

Improve productivity, speed, and resilience with AI-based capabilities and intelligent test automation.

What others say about the product

independent health logo

OpenText Functional Testing’s AI-based capabilities simplify the tough bits from test creation. I’ve known testers struggle for hours to interface with a particular visual element. AI takes all this away, and I can’t imagine spending more than a few minutes on the same thing. I call it ‘automagic’ as it really is!

Chris Trimper
Enterprise QA Architect
Independent Health
 travelport logo

Travelport has a very wide range of solutions and technologies—everything from green screen through to web services, websites, applications and mobile. OpenText Functional Testing covers all of those different technologies and continually supports us.

Graham England
Lead Quality Analyst for Automation
koc sistem logo

OpenText Functional Testing test scripts are more stable, more robust, and easier to maintain than those we developed with other tools. And the support from OpenText is a big differentiator from open-source alternatives.

Sevda Aynaci
Senior Quality Assurance Lead

Please visit our Help Center for all system requirements and additional support.

  • In your free product trial, you'll get complete access to the OpenText Functional Testing software, as well as a 30-day license key.

  • Check out our Community Forum or Help Center for support, discussions, and other OpenText Functional Testing

  • At the end of your 30-day trial period, your product will no longer function. You can purchase the product by contacting our Sales and Support Center via phone at 1-877-686-9637 or online via this web form.

  • If you would like to purchase OpenText Functional Testing or have questions regarding product pricing, please contact us via phone at 1-877-686-9637 or online via this web form.