
Content Enrichment

Add AI-driven metadata to bring structure to information chaos

A person typing on laptop


A person working on a laptop

Each day, the volume of content organizations store grows. With nearly 60 percent of that content expected to be unstructured[1], the average employee can waste hours a week searching for information and recreating content that already exists. Manually tagging content to make it findable and useful is not practical at scale. Organizations need a simple way to increase productivity, improve compliance support and empower data-driven decision-making.

Content Enrichment solutions use AI to tag and index content for easy retrieval, automated workflows and cross-analysis.

Key benefits

Impact business and achieve better results.

  • Unlock unstructured content

    Leverage AI to identify and extract metadata based on natural-language processing and understanding to ensure users find the contextual content needed.

  • Increase productivity

    Consolidate content repositories and automatically tag unstructured files to prevent content re-creation and other time-consuming activities.

  • Support legal and compliance initiatives

    Classify content with enriched metadata to support retention requirements and reduce discoverable content during legal disputes and compliance reviews.

  • Empower data-driven decision-making

    Allow employees to make quick, effective decisions with the facts and sentiments within unstructured content that traditional applications cannot classify or understand.

  • Manage irrelevant content

    Identify redundant, outdated and trivial (ROT) content to accelerate migrations, reduce storage costs and improve content retrieval.

Business impacts

  • Workflow efficiency

    Workflows, such as invoice or customer support case routing, are key to operations. Manually performing these tasks slows processes, increases errors and negatively affects outcomes. Automate content delivery and workflows to maximize efficiency.

  • Data retention

    Organizations have an increasing volume of data. Retaining data longer than it is required or allowed increases the risk of fines and legal penalties. Apply metadata to easily track retention and reduce risk.

  • Finding information

    Employees must quickly find information to efficiently execute tasks. Manually searching through unclassified content and re-creating what cannot be found is frustrating and time-consuming. Assign metadata to accelerate discovery.

  • Customer experiences

    Customers expect quick responses that show understanding. Manually discovering insights at scale is impractical and prevents organizations from meeting expectations. Leverage AI to quickly and intelligently respond to customers.

  • Multimedia management

    Organizations have large, growing repositories of media files. Leaving these files unstructured increases risk and hides potential value. Automatically add metadata to simplify multimedia management.

  • Content analytics

    Organizations need to understand content to effectively use it. Manually categorizing large repositories of unstructured data is time-consuming and risks errors. Use AI to automatically organize content.

Explore the components of the solution


OpenText offers a combination of products to support content enrichment.

Professional Services

OpenText Consulting Services combines end-to-end solution implementation with comprehensive technology services to help improve systems.


OpenText Learning Services offers comprehensive enablement and learning programs to accelerate knowledge and skills.

Content Enrichment resources

OpenText Intelligent Classification

Read the overview

OpenText Intelligence

Read the overview



  1. [1]AIIM, AIIM 2021 State of the Intelligent Information Management Industry: A wake-up call for organization leaders, 2021