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Konvergenz Network Solutions Limited

Konvergenz Network Solutions (KNS) is an East African-based local technology firm. Our experienced and skilled expert team, founded in 2014, offers ICT solutions that ensure customer satisfaction in every project we deliver. In 2020, we launched our 2.0 journey gearing Konvergenz as the champion for Digital Transformational in the region.


Region Africa
Product focus CEM - Portal;ECM - Content Lifecycle Management;CEM - Semantic Navigation;CEM - Customer Communications Management;CEM - Digital Asset Management;CEM - Mobility;CEM - Social Media;CEM - WCM - Web Experience Management;CEM - WCM - Web Site Management;ECM - eMail Solutions;ECM - Enterprise Archive;ECM - Learning Management;ECM - Mobile Solutions;ECM - Captiva;ECM - Capture & Recognition;ECM - InfoArchive;ECM - LEAP;ECM - Clinical Archiving;ECM - Documentum Platform;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Healthcare;ECM - Document Sciences;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Energy & Engineering;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Lifesciences;ECM - Kazeon;CEM - Exstream;CEM - TeleForm;CEM - LiquidOffice;CEM - MediaBin;CEM - Qfiniti;CEM - TeamSite;ECM - PIXEL;ECM - AppEnhancer
Type of partnership Reseller
Industry focus Financial Services;Utilities;Public Sector
Partner level Silver

Products and Services Overview

End to End Enterprise Network Security Designs and Deployments Perimeter and Datacenter security integrations Continuous Security Assessment & Security Plans development Privileged Access & Identity Management Deployments

Corporate Address

18th flr, 4th avenue towers, Ngong 4th Avenue, UpperHill, P.O BOX 175