
OpenText product name changes

Clearer names, easier choices–driving innovation through simplicity

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Feugiat pellentesque amet, et volutpat iaculis euismod donec amet.

It’s now easier than ever for you to understand and find OpenText™ solutions! Throughout our website, you will see that we are transitioning to a more cohesive approach, using straightforward names that clearly highlight our offerings, and the pain points they solve. This change will clarify our products and enhance your experience, making it simpler to find the solutions that meet your business needs.

Use the product renaming decoder below—simply scroll alphabetically by previous name on the left to find the corresponding new name on the right. Or enter the product name in the search bar. Not all product names are changing. You can find the complete list of OpenText products in our A-Z product listing.

Need help? We’ve put together an FAQ to help you navigate the changes.

Still have questions? Contact OpenText for more information.

Previous NameNew Name
Active AccessOpenText™ Core Collaboration Access
Active IntelligenceOpenText™ Trading Grid Intelligence
Active Invoices with ComplianceOpenText™ Trading Grid e-Invoicing
Active OrdersOpenText™ Trading Grid Supplier Hub
Active Risk MonitorOpenText™ Command Center Risk Monitor
ALM OctaneOpenText™ Software Delivery Management
Appworks for GovernmentOpenText™ Process Automation for Government
AppWorks OpenText™ Process Automation
ArcSight cyDNAOpenText™ Core Adversary Signals (ArcSight)
ArcSight Enterprise Security ManagerOpenText™ Enterprise Security Manager (ArcSight)
ArcSight IntelligenceOpenText™ Behavioral Signals (ArcSight)
ArcSight ReconOpenText™ Security Log Analytics (ArcSight)
Asset Management XOpenText™ Asset Management [+ OpenText™ Core Asset Management]
Aviator SearchOpenText™ Aviator Search
AxcelerateOpenText™ eDiscovery [+ OpenText™ Core eDiscovery]
Axcelerate InvestigationOpenText™ Investigation
BizManagerOpenText™ Data Integrator
Business Network Cloud EnterpriseOpenText™ B2B Integration Enterprise
Business Network Cloud FoundationOpenText™ B2B Integration Foundation
Carbonite Replication​OpenText™ Replication​
Carbonite™ Availability  ​OpenText™ Availability​
Carbonite™ Cloud Disaster RecoveryOpenText™ Cloud Disaster Recovery
Carbonite™ Cloud-to-Cloud Backup​OpenText™ Core Cloud-to-Cloud Backup ​
Carbonite™ DRaaS​OpenText™ Core Disaster Recovery​
Carbonite™ Endpoint Backup​OpenText™ Core Endpoint Backup ​
Carbonite™ Information ArchivingOpenText™ Core Business Communication Archive
Carbonite™ Migrate​OpenText™ Migrate​
Carbonite™ Recover​OpenText™ Recover​
Carbonite™ Server Backup​OpenText™ Server Backup ​
Carbonite™  Migration​OpenText™ Core Data Migration​
Case Management (Core Case Management)OpenText™ Core Process Automation
Core Archive for SAP® SolutionsOpenText™ Core Archive for SAP® Solutions
Core CaptureOpenText™ Core Capture
Core Capture for SalesforceOpenText™ Core Capture for Salesforce®
Core Capture for SAP® solutionsOpenText™ Core Capture for SAP® Solutions
Core ContentOpenText™ Core Content Management
Core Experience InsightsOpenText™ Core Journey
Core for SAP® Success FactorsOpenText™ Core Content Management for SAP® SuccessFactors
Core ShareOpenText™ Core Share
Core Signature (Service)OpenText™ Core Signature
CX-E VoiceOpenText™ CX-E Voice
Data Center AutomationOpenText™ Automation Center [+ OpenText™ Core Automation Center]
Database Activity MonitoringOpenText™ Database Activity Monitoring
DebrickedOpenText™ Core Software Composition Analysis
Debricked Open Source SelectOpenText™ Core Open Source Select
DecisivOpenText™ Legal Knowledge Management
Document AccessibilityOpenText™ Document Accessibility
DocumentumOpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management
Documentum Asset OperationsOpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for Engineering
Documentum for Life SciencesOpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for Life Sciences
Documentum for Microsoft 365OpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for Microsoft® 365™
eDOCSOpenText™ eDOCS Content Management
eDOCS DefenseOpenText™ Legal Content Management Defense (eDOCS)
eDOCS Image CrawlerOpenText™ Legal Content Management Image Crawler (eDOCS)
Email Filing, eDOCS EditionOpenText™ Legal Email Filing (eDOCS)
EMR-LinkOpenText™ EMR Integration
EnCase Endpoint SecurityOpenText™ Endpoint Response
EnCase ForensicOpenText™ Forensic (EnCase)
EnCase Information AssuranceOpenText™ Information Assurance
EnCase Mobile InvestigatorOpenText™ Mobile Investigator
Endpoint InvestigatorOpenText™ Endpoint Investigator
Experience CDPOpenText™ Customer Data
Experience Cloud FoundationOpenText™ Experience Foundation
Experience Cloud Unified UXOpenText™ Unified UX
ExploreOpenText™ Contact Center Analytics
ExstreamOpenText™ Communications (Exstream) [+ OpenText™ Core Communications]
Exstream for SalesforceOpenText™ Communications for Salesforce® (Exstream)
Extended ECMOpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM)
Extended ECM Connector for Microsoft Power AutomateOpenText™ Content Management Connector for Microsoft® Power Automate
Extended ECM Documentum for SalesforceOpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for Salesforce®
Extended ECM Documentum for SAP SolutionsOpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for SAP® Solutions
Extended ECM for EngineeringOpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for Engineering
Extended ECM for GovernmentOpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for Government
Extended ECM for IBM MaximoOpenText™ Content Management for IBM Maximo
Extended ECM for Life SciencesOpenText™ Content Management for Life Sciences
Extended ECM for Microsoft 365OpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for Microsoft® 365™
Extended ECM for Microsoft Dynamics 365OpenText™ Content Management for Microsoft® Dynamics 365™
Extended ECM for Oracle Business SuiteOpenText™ Content Management for Oracle E-Business Suite
Extended ECM for PLMOpenText™ Content Management for Manufacturing
Extended ECM for SalesforceOpenText™ Content Management for Salesforce®
Extended ECM for SAP® SolutionsOpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for SAP® Solutions
Extended ECM for SAP® SuccessFactorsOpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for Human Resources
Freeway CloudOpenText™ B2B Integration Essentials
Global Product Authentication ServiceOpenText™ Core Product Traceability Service
Hybrid Cloud Management X (HCMX)OpenText™ Cloud Management [+ OpenText™ Core Cloud Management ]
Identity and Access Management (IAM)OpenText™ Core Secure Access
IDOLOpenText™ Knowledge Discovery (IDOL)
IDOL KeyView File Format DetectionOpenText™ File Content Extraction (IDOL)
IDOL Natural Language Question Answering and ChatbotOpenText™ Analytics Conversation Server (IDOL)
InfoArchiveOpenText™ Information Archive
InsightOpenText™ Core Insight
Intelligent CaptureOpenText™ Capture
Intelligent Capture for SAP® SolutionsOpenText™ Capture for SAP® Solutions
Internet of Things (IoT)/Aviator IoTOpenText™ Aviator IoT
Kinematik Document Control for Extended ECMOpenText™ Content Management with document control
Kinematik Project Control for Extended ECMOpenText™ Content Management with project control
Kinematik Quality Control for Extended ECMOpenText™ Content Management with quality control
Legal HoldOpenText™ Core Legal Hold
LensOpenText™ Trading Grid Insights
LoadRunner CloudOpenText™ Core Performance Engineering (LoadRunner Cloud)
LoadRunner DeveloperOpenText™ Performance Engineering for Developers (LoadRunner Developer)
LoadRunner EnterpriseOpenText™ Enterprise Performance Engineering  (LoadRunner Enterprise)
LoadRunner Enterprise SaaSOpenText™ Core Enterprise Performance Engineering
LoadRunner ProfessionalOpenText™ Professional Performance Engineering (LoadRunner Professional)
Magellan BI & ReportingOpenText™ Intelligence (Magellan) [+ OpenText™ Core Intelligence]
Magellan Data DiscoveryOpenText™ Data Discovery (Magellan)
Magellan Text MiningOpenText™ Intelligent Classification (Magellan)
Media ManagementOpenText™ Digital Asset Management [+ OpenText™ Core Digital Asset Management ]
NetIQ Access ManagerOpenText™ Access Manager with Managed Services (NetIQ)
NetIQ AD BridgeOpenText™ Active Directory Bridge (NetIQ)
NetIQ Advanced AuthenticationOpenText™ Advanced Authentication (NetIQ) [+ OpenText™ Core Advanced Authentication]
NetIQ Advanced Authentication Connector for z/OSOpenText™ Advanced Authentication Connector for z/OS (NetIQ)
NetIQ Change GuardianOpenText™ Change Guardian (NetIQ)
NetIQ Directory and Resource AdministratorOpenText™ Directory and Resource Administrator (NetIQ)
NetIQ eDirectoryOpenText™ eDirectory (NetIQ)
NetIQ Group Policy AdministratorOpenText™ Group Policy Administrator (NetIQ)
NetIQ Identity GovernanceOpenText™ Identity Governance (NetIQ) [+ OpenText™ Core Identity Governance]
NetIQ Identity ManagerOpenText™ Identity Manager (NetIQ) [+ OpenText™ Core Identity Manager]
NetIQ Identity TrackingOpenText™ Identity Tracking (NetIQ)
NetIQ LDAP ProxyOpenText™ LDAP Proxy (NetIQ)
NetIQ Policy Compliance AssessorOpenText™ Policy Compliance Assessor (NetIQ)
NetIQ Privileged Account ManagerOpenText™ Privileged Access Manager (NetIQ) [ + OpenText™ Core Privileged Access Manager]
NetIQ Risk ServiceOpenText™ Risk Service (NetIQ)
NetIQ Secure API ManagerOpenText™ Secure API Manager (NetIQ)
NetIQ Secure Configuration ManagerOpenText™ Secure Configuration Manager (NetIQ)
NetIQ SecureLoginOpenText™ SecureLogin (NetIQ)
NetIQ Security Solutions for IBM iOpenText™ Security Solutions for IBM i (NetIQ)
NetIQ Universal Policy AdministratorOpenText™ Universal Policy Administrator (NetIQ)
NetIQ ValidatorOpenText™ Validator (NetIQ)
Network AutomationOpenText™ Network Automation
Network Detection & ResponseOpenText™ Network Detection & Response [ + OpenText™ Core Network Detection & Response]
Network Node Manager i (NNMi)OpenText™ Network Node Manager
Network Operations Management (NOM)OpenText™ Network Operations Management
NotificationsOpenText™ Core Messaging
OpenText Brightcloud™ Threat Intelligence®OpenText™ Threat Intelligence (BrightCloud)
OpenText Capture Cloud ServicesOpenText™ Capture – Thrust API
OpenText Content AviatorOpenText™ Content Aviator
OpenText Core for SMAXOpenText™ Core Content Management with service management
OpenText Core for Supplier ExchangeOpenText™ Core Collaboration for Engineering
OpenText Core Signature ServiceOpenText™ Signature Service – Thrust API
OpenText Decision Cloud ServiceOpenText™ Process Automation – Thrust API
OpenText Developer Cloud API consumptionOpenText™ Thrust Services bundle
OpenText Discovery CloudOpenText™ Discovery – Thrust API
OpenText Information Storage Cloud ServicesOpenText™ Information Storage – Thrust API
OpenText Knowledge Mapping Cloud ServicesOpenText™ Knowledge Mapping – Thrust API
OpenText Messaging Cloud ServicesOpenText™ Messaging – Thrust API
OpenText Metadata Cloud ServicesOpenText™ Metadata – Thrust API
OpenText Risk Management Cloud ServicesOpenText™ Risk Management – Thrust API
OpenText Test Data ManagementOpenText™ Test Data Management
OpenText Tokenization Cloud ServicesOpenText™ Tokenization – Thrust API
OpenText Workflow Cloud ServiceOpenText™ Process Automation – Thrust API
OpenText™ XM Fax | Digital Fax SoftwareOpenText™ Core Fax
Operations BridgeOpenText™ AI Operations Management (Operations Bridge)
OpScope/Application ObservabilityOpenText™ Core Application Observability
OpScope/Infrastructure ObservabilityOpenText™ Core Infrastructure Observability
OptimostOpenText™ Core Web Optimization
Output Transformation ServerOpenText™ Output Transformation Server
Pillr MDR​OpenText™ Core MDR​
Project & Portfolio ManagementOpenText™ Project and Portfolio Management [+ OpenText™ Core Project and Portfolio Management]
Quality Center (ALM Quality Center)OpenText™ Application Quality Management [+ OpenText™ Core Application Quality Management]
Records Management eDOCS EditionOpenText™ Legal Records Management (eDOCS)
RightFax and RightFax Managed ServiceOpenText™ Fax (RightFax)
RightFax ConnectOpenText™ Fax Cloud Connect (RightFax)
Service Management Automation X (SMAX)OpenText™ Service Management (SMAX) [+ OpenText™ Core Service Management]
Service VirtualizationOpenText™ Service Virtualization [+ OpenText™ Core Service Virtualization]
Storage ManagerOpenText™ Storage Manager
STP Financial HubOpenText™ Financial Hub
SWIFT Service BureauOpenText™ SWIFT Service Bureau
Tableau Forensic BridgesOpenText™ Forensic Bridge
Tableau Forensic TD4 DuplicatorOpenText™ Forensic TD4 Duplicator
Tableau Forensic TX1 ImagerOpenText™ Forensic TX1 Imager
Tableau ForensicsOpenText™ Forensic Equipment
TeamSiteOpenText™ Web CMS (TeamSite)
Trading GridOpenText™ Trading Grid
Trading Grid API ConnectorsOpenText™ Trading Grid Connectors
Trading Grid Command CenterOpenText™ Trading Grid Command Center
Trading Grid Messaging ServiceOpenText™ Trading Grid Messaging Service
UFT DeveloperOpenText™ Functional Testing for Developers [+ OpenText™ Core Functional Testing for Developers]
UFT Digital LabOpenText™ Functional Testing Lab for Mobile and Web
UFT OneOpenText™ Functional Testing [+ OpenText™ Core Functional Testing]
Universal Discovery/CMDBOpenText™ Universal Discovery and CMDB [+ OpenText™ Core Universal Discovery and CMDB]
ValueEdge PlatformOpenText™ Core Software Delivery Platform
Vendor Invoice Management for SAPOpenText™ Vendor Invoice Management for SAP® Solutions
Vertica Analytics PlatformOpenText™ Analytics Database (Vertica) [+ OpenText™ Core Analytics Database]
Voltage FusionOpenText™ Core Data Discovery & Risk Insights (Voltage)
Voltage Fusion Data Access GovernanceOpenText™ Data Access Governance (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData ApplianceOpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection Foundation (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData File Processor; Simple API; z/ProtectOpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection APIs (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData Host SDK; Mobile SDK; WebOpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection Payments (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData Integrations for Snowflake; AWS; Azure; GCP; Hadoop; TeradataOpenText™  Data Privacy and Protection Integrations (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData SentryOpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection Sentry (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData z/ ProtectOpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection z Protect (Voltage)
Voltage SecureMailOpenText™ SecureMail (Voltage)
Voltage SecureMail CloudOpenText™ SecureMail Cloud (Voltage)
Voltage SmartCipherOpenText™ SmartCipher (Voltage)
Voltage Structured Data ManagerOpenText™ Structured Data Manager (Voltage)
Webroot™ DNS Protection​OpenText™ Core DNS Protection​
Webroot™ Endpoint Protection​OpenText™ Core Endpoint Protection​
Webroot™ Security Awareness Training​OpenText™ Core Security Awareness Training​
Webroot™ Unity APIOpenText™ Unity - Thrust API CE 25.x
Webroot™ Universal ReporterOpenText™ Universal Reporter
Webroot™ Universal Syslog ConnectorOpenText™ Universal Syslog Connector
Webroot™ Email Continuity​OpenText™ Core Email Continuity​
Webroot™ Email Encryption powered by Zix™​OpenText™ Core Email Encryption​
Webroot™ Email Message Privacy​OpenText™ Core Email Message Privacy​
Webroot™ Email Threat Protection​OpenText™ Core Email Threat Protection​

Rebrand FAQs

We are rebranding to better reflect our evolving values, product offerings, and to ensure we provide a fresh, modern experience for our customers. This strategic shift includes the rebranding of our products with descriptive names, and the retirement of product sub-brands, to enhance clarity and accessibility to customers. The goal is to use commonly understood terms that clearly convey our differentiation, facilitate add-on sales, and strengthen our identity as a cloud-focused company. Our new naming approach uses industry-standard terms, linking them directly to the OpenText brand and better illustrates how our solutions deliver value against our customers’ pain points.

No, our products will remain the same high quality that you know and love. The rebrand is focused on refreshing our look, including logos, packaging, and product names, but the core offerings and quality will stay consistent. Customers with versions beginning with CE 24.4 will notice updated product names in the user interface. Customers with prior versions will experience no change.

Support portals will reflect the new product name changes at the end of January. Customers will need to select the new product name in the dropdowns when logging a technical support case. Customers can search for knowledge base articles using either prior or new product names and will be delivered results for both.

Product documentation for versions prior to Cloud Editions 24.4 will continue to reflect the old product name. Beginning with Cloud Edition 24.4, product documentation will begin to update with the new naming format.

Communities will reflect the new product name changes at the end of January.

In late January, SKU descriptions will be updated to reflect the new product names. SKU numbers will remain the same and will be the consistent identifier throughout this transition. Following these changes, there will be a period of time where quotes/POs/invoices will have mismatched product names due to the updated SKU descriptions.

For quotes and POs issued prior to the January SKU description updates, customers may:

  • Request an updated quote with the new SKU descriptions and then subsequently update the PO. This will help ensure that the quote, PO, and forthcoming invoice match.
  • Submit a PO using the old SKU description under OpenText’s 90-day acceptance policy. After 90 days, the PO must reflect the new SKU description.

If you are unsure if your products are impacted, please reach out to your OpenText representative.

No. Customer entitlements are for the same products, just with new names.

OpenText consumer products are not included in the rebrand. Customers can continue to purchase consumer products at and

 SMB products are included in the rebrand and are represented in the list above. These products are not changing and will remain the same high-quality solutions you know and love. The rebrand is focused on refreshing our look, including logos, packaging, and product names, but the core offerings and quality will stay consistent. Our SMB portfolio is, however, being consolidated under the OpenText Cybersecurity brand. You can get more information on our SMB and MSP products at