In an attempt to make your company's adoption of the Data Sync process as seamless as possible, please review the Checklist and Next Steps listed below. Should you have any questions or concerns, there is contact information at the bottom of the page.
- Subscribe and grant SHC access to your OpenText™ Active Catalogue and create a SHC specific Selection Code
- Assign resources in your company to setup the items you sell to SHC
- Populate as many as possible of the data attributes required by Transform SR Holding LLC – this will save you time in setting up your items in IMA
- Review the IMA website for details on Data Catalogue and Exploding Assortments
- IMA Training Videos
- Data Catalogue Vendor Guide for instructions on setting up new items in IMA via data sync
Product Identification
- Assign UPC (or EAN) numbers to all your merchandise at the unique item (size & color) level, adhering to the EAN-UCC International UPC (GTIN) Allocation Guidelines
- If your company does not use UPC/EAN numbers, contact GS1 to obtain a Company Prefix and the Bar Code Implementation Steps
- Mark your products with the corresponding UPC (or EAN) number in accordance with Industry standards and as detailed in the Sears/Kmart Vendor Information Guides
- Ensure timely, accurate creation and maintenance of your product information, in accordance with the EAN-UCC International UPC (GTIN) Allocation Guidelines
Data Synchronization of Product Information
- Utilize the OpenText™ Compliance Link tool to verify and test that you are ready to load (via EDI 832, MS Excel or Web Entry) all the SHC required attributes to your Active Catalogue
- Move items to the SHC selection code. These items can still be accessed by your other trading partners if you provide access to this selection code
- Maintain and update your product data on the Active Catalogue on a timely basis. (The Active Catalogue and Compliance)
Next Steps
- New Active Catalogue Users―enroll for a Active Catalogue and follow the steps below
- Existing Active Catalogue users:
- Setup an SHC-specific Selection Code and grant SHC access
- Complete Data Synchronization Vendor Request Form on the Data Synchronization tab within the IMA home page
Next Steps
For Catalogue Support: or +1 877-446-6847, Option 2, Option 5, Option 2
For Catalogue Sales: +1 800-334-2255, Option 3