Active Catalogue Program

Walgreens logoWalgreens

OpenText Solutions for EDI and EDI Compliance for Walgreens

Walgreens logo

About the program

We’d love to talk to you about Active Catalogue and EDI Solutions for Walgreens.

Program contact
Headshot of Jake Divjak

Jake Divjak

Sr. Customer Manager

Doing business electronically has become a regular business practice. Technology standards and business processes can become increasingly demanding to deal with especially when doing business with large companies. The partnership between OpenText™ and Walgreens is designed to reduce this complexity for our customers. Walgreens has selected OpenText as their approved VAN service provider. The primary reasons we made this decision is to increase the efficiency of our supply chain and reduce/eliminate unnecessary costs by exchanging EDI data directly with OpenText. We believe our partnership with OpenText will provide Walgreens the level of visibility and viability for our B2B program in the long term.

Walgreens is committed to delivering your products to our stores in a timely and efficient manner. To achieve this goal, the mutual efforts of supplier and retailer must be focused on implementing the industry standards put forth by GS1. One of these key elements in complying with industry standards are the transmission and receipt of business documents via EDI.

Thank you in advance for your partnership as we mutually work together to improve the efficiency in our business operations.

We hope you find this page useful and please reach out to us directly if you have any questions.

Further information and resources

Contact Support
1-800-334-2255 (Option 2, 2)

Active Catalogue Support
1-800-334-2255 (Option 2, 5, 2)

Freeway Support
1-800-334-2255 (Option 2, 4, 6)
Hours: 8:30 am–8:00 pm EST
