Customer stories

bankingRapidly growing bank transforms to drive compliance

Top Asia-Pacific bank digitizes millions of records with OpenText™ Intelligent Capture, meeting new regulations and unlocking customer insights


About the bank

This bank is one of the leading players in the Asia-Pacific domestic market.

  • Based in:
    Asia Pacific
  • Industry experience:
    Two decades
  • Cause of growth:
    Mergers and acquisitions



  • New regulations required millions of customer records to be digitized.
  • Customer information needed to be stored in a central system with easy access for compliance officers.


  • Set up an integrated solution to process and classify scanned records, simplifying workflows and information management.
  • Provided a centralized, secure repository for 21 million digital records.


  • Met compliance with a single store of searchable data
  • Cut delivery time for key services by up to 50%
  • Laid the foundation for highly personalized services


  • Rapid growth led to siloed information, disparate systems and compliance risks
  • New regulations required digitization of millions of customer records

From modest beginnings, this bank in the Asia-Pacific region has grown into one of the biggest financial services companies in its domestic market. Its growth has been fueled by a steady stream of mergers and acquisitions over the past two decades. While these new additions enabled the bank to scale fast, reaching new customers and wider markets, they also introduced new complexity, bringing more locations, systems and processes for the bank to operate and manage.

The bank recently reduced that complexity when its regulators announced new guidelines. These guidelines require financial institutions to store customer records securely in a digital format, in their own central systems, and deliver rapid access to compliance officers.

A spokesperson for the bank explains, “We kept all our customer records on paper, and these documents were scattered across thousands of branch locations and warehouse storage facilities all over the country. We had millions of pages of paper that had to be gathered and digitized before the deadline, or else we faced financial penalties.”

It was a tough challenge to overcome, but also presented the bank with an opportunity to transform its business for the better.

“Beyond immediate regulatory compliance, digitization would allow us to change the way we operate as a bank and interact with our customers,” remarks the spokesperson. “We’d be able to simplify and speed up key parts of the customer journey and gain better customer insights at every step along the way. That’s why we were keen to treat this as an important compliance exercise and a catalyst for transformation.”

apac bank

OpenText went above and beyond deploying a software solution for us. The OpenText team took the time to evaluate our entire set-up and made improvements to ensure we hit our deadline.

Spokesperson, APAC bank


The bank turned to OpenText™ Intelligent Capture and the OpenText™ Documentum™ platform to transform 300 million pages of customer records into digital data, securely organize them and enable easy access for regulators.

Products delivered

Sprinting ahead with a fully integrated solution

The bank engaged a third-party provider to perform the physical document scanning and worked with a joint team from OpenText Professional Services and a local business partner to establish a comprehensive solution for capturing, storing and managing its newly digitized content.

Using Image Access’ ImageTrust remote scanning solution, the bank connects OpenText Intelligent Capture with hundreds of scanners across multiple locations, giving the company a centralized way to manage capture activity from the Intelligent Capture web client. OpenText Documentum provides a unified repository for the digital data, helping the bank keep information securely stored, properly organized and readily accessible for compliance purposes.

“OpenText went above and beyond deploying a software solution for us,” the spokesperson recalls. “The OpenText team took the time to evaluate our entire set-up and made improvements to ensure we hit our deadline. For example, we realized that the initial rate at which we were ingesting documents wasn’t going to be enough to digitize all our records on time. OpenText allocated extra resources and helped us reconfigure our capture formats and contrast settings to improve image recognition and accuracy. Thanks to this, we scaled up to handle higher volumes, which got us over the line ahead of the regulatory deadline.”

Creating a secure, centralized repository

In the space of six months, the bank successfully transformed 300 million pages of paper into 21 million digital records, which are now stored in a central OpenText Documentum repository. The OpenText solution helped the bank carefully categorize this information and establish a consistent content hierarchy, making it quick and easy for users to search for and retrieve records as needed.

“We hold sensitive personally identifiable data and financial information, so security and governance are key priorities,” says the spokesperson. “With OpenText Documentum Trusted Content Services, we can protect against unauthorized access with a defense-in-depth approach that includes repository encryption as well as fine-grained user access controls.”

The spokesperson adds, “We also greatly appreciate how flexible and intuitive the OpenText Documentum solution is for our users. With the OpenText Documentum D2 user interface, we can create customized views of information and tasks for different employee personas. This capability will become even more valuable in the future, as it will allow branch employees to access customer data quickly for a faster and more personalized service.”

We can extract information in a much more automated way with OpenText Intelligent Capture, cutting the time to deliver some customer services by up to 50%.

Spokesperson, APAC bank


With OpenText, the bank digitized millions of records in time to meet regulatory deadlines. And with customer data now stored within a single, well-structured content repository, the bank can readily comply with regulators’ information requests.

Met compliance and reduced complexity

“The most important thing was that we delivered on our regulatory demands in the time allotted,” the spokesperson comments. “We couldn’t have done it without OpenText. They really stepped up when we needed them, and they’ve become a true partner to our business.”

By establishing a single store of searchable, categorized customer information, the bank has taken an important step on its digital transformation journey. Today, OpenText Documentum offers a unified content management platform—a single source of truth not only for customer records, but also for customer journey information, long-term archives and more.

Accelerated customer service by up to 50%

Equipped with categorized digital records, the bank has accelerated several key processes, allowing it to enhance the customer experience.

The spokesperson gives an example, “In the past, when we were working with paper, the customer application process was much slower and labor-intensive. Our teams manually re-keyed information from paper forms into our back-end systems for processing. Now, we can extract information in a much more automated way with OpenText Intelligent Capture, cutting the time to deliver some customer services by up to 50%.”

Enabled highly personalized experiences

Digitization is revealing many other exciting possibilities for the bank to better understand its customers and engage them with more personalized offers and experiences. The organization plans to dig deeper into its data to uncover fresh insights into customer histories, preferences and needs. This will allow it to reach out with highly relevant product recommendations and offers, creating new opportunities for cross- and up-selling.

“When a customer gets in touch, we want to be able to use what we already know about them to tailor the conversation,” states the spokesperson. “If we see a customer has recently taken out a mortgage, for example, that could be an opportunity to offer them contents insurance. That’s something that our competitors aren’t doing at the moment, and it would be a real differentiator for us.”

The spokesperson concludes, “We’re incredibly happy with what we’ve already achieved with OpenText, and we know that this is just the beginning of our journey together. We continue to have very encouraging and productive conversations with OpenText about how we can evolve our content management landscape. We’re excited to be working together to use OpenText solutions to enable the bank’s digital future.”

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