
OpenText Ändringar av produktnamn

Tydligare namn, enklare val - driva innovation genom enkelhet

Sektionens rubrik

Feugiat pellentesque amet, et volutpat iaculis euismod donec amet.

Det är nu enklare än någonsin för dig att förstå och hitta lösningar på OpenText™ ! På hela vår webbplats kommer du att se att vi övergår till ett mer sammanhängande tillvägagångssätt, med enkla namn som tydligt lyfter fram våra erbjudanden och de smärtpunkter de löser. Denna förändring kommer att förtydliga våra produkter och förbättra din upplevelse, vilket gör det enklare att hitta de lösningar som uppfyller dina affärsbehov.

Behöver du hjälp? Vi har sammanställt en FAQ och en Renaming Decoder för att hjälpa dig att navigera i förändringarna.

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Previous Name New Name
Active Access OpenText™ Core Collaboration Access
Active Intelligence OpenText™ Trading Grid Intelligence
Active Invoices with Compliance OpenText™ Trading Grid e-Invoicing
Active Orders OpenText™ Trading Grid Supplier Hub
Active Risk Monitor OpenText™ Command Center Risk Monitor
ALM Octane OpenText™ Software Delivery Management
Appworks for Government OpenText™ Process Automation for Government
AppWorks  OpenText™ Process Automation
ArcSight cyDNA OpenText™ Core Adversary Signals (ArcSight)
ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager OpenText™ Enterprise Security Manager (ArcSight)
ArcSight Intelligence OpenText™ Behavioral Signals (ArcSight)
ArcSight Recon OpenText™ Security Log Analytics (ArcSight)
Asset Management X OpenText™ Asset Management [+ OpenText™ Core Asset Management]
Aviator Search OpenText™ Aviator Search
Axcelerate OpenText™ eDiscovery [+ OpenText™ Core eDiscovery]
Axcelerate Investigation OpenText™ Investigation
BizManager OpenText™ Data Integrator
Business Network Cloud Enterprise OpenText™ B2B Integration Enterprise
Business Network Cloud Foundation OpenText™ B2B Integration Foundation
Case Management (Core Case Management) OpenText™ Core Process Automation
Core Archive for SAP® Solutions OpenText™ Core Archive for SAP® Solutions
Core Capture OpenText™ Core Capture
Core Capture for Salesforce OpenText™ Core Capture for Salesforce®
Core Capture for SAP® solutions OpenText™ Core Capture for SAP® Solutions
Core Content OpenText™ Core Content Management
Core Experience Insights OpenText™ Core Journey
Core for SAP® Success Factors OpenText™ Core Content Management for SAP® SuccessFactors
Core Share OpenText™ Core Share
Core Signature (Service) OpenText™ Core Signature
CX-E Voice OpenText™ CX-E Voice
Data Center Automation OpenText™ Automation Center [+ OpenText™ Core Automation Center]
Database Activity Monitoring OpenText™ Database Activity Monitoring
Debricked OpenText™ Core Software Composition Analysis
Debricked Open Source Select OpenText™ Core Open Source Select
Decisiv OpenText™ Legal Knowledge Management
Document Accessibility OpenText™ Document Accessibility
Documentum OpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management
Documentum Asset Operations OpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for Engineering
Documentum for Life Sciences OpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for Life Sciences
Documentum for Microsoft 365 OpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for Microsoft® 365™
eDOCS OpenText™ Legal Content Management (eDOCS)
eDOCS Defense OpenText™ Legal Content Management Defense (eDOCS)
eDOCS Image Crawler OpenText™ Legal Content Management Image Crawler (eDOCS)
Email Filing, eDOCS Edition OpenText™ Legal Email Filing (eDOCS)
EMR-Link OpenText™ EMR Integration
EnCase Endpoint Security OpenText™ Endpoint Response
EnCase Forensic OpenText™ Forensic (EnCase)
EnCase Information Assurance OpenText™ Information Assurance
EnCase Mobile Investigator OpenText™ Mobile Investigator
Endpoint Investigator OpenText™ Endpoint Investigator
Experience CDP OpenText™ Customer Data
Experience Cloud Foundation OpenText™ Experience Foundation
Experience Cloud Unified UX OpenText™ Unified UX
Explore OpenText™ Contact Center Analytics
Exstream OpenText™ Communications (Exstream) [+ OpenText™ Core Communications]
Exstream for Salesforce OpenText™ Communications for Salesforce® (Exstream)
Extended ECM OpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM)
Extended ECM Connector for Microsoft Power Automate OpenText™ Content Management Connector for Microsoft® Power Automate
Extended ECM Documentum for Salesforce OpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for Salesforce®
Extended ECM Documentum for SAP Solutions OpenText™ Documentum™ Content Management for SAP® Solutions
Extended ECM for Engineering OpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for Engineering
Extended ECM for Government OpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for Government
Extended ECM for IBM Maximo OpenText™ Content Management for IBM Maximo
Extended ECM for Life Sciences OpenText™ Content Management for Life Sciences
Extended ECM for Microsoft 365 OpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for Microsoft® 365™
Extended ECM for Microsoft Dynamics 365 OpenText™ Content Management for Microsoft® Dynamics 365™
Extended ECM for Oracle Business Suite OpenText™ Content Management for Oracle E-Business Suite
Extended ECM for PLM OpenText™ Content Management for Manufacturing
Extended ECM for Salesforce OpenText™ Content Management for Salesforce®
Extended ECM for SAP® Solutions OpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for SAP® Solutions
Extended ECM for SAP® SuccessFactors OpenText™ Content Management (Extended ECM) for Human Resources
Freeway Cloud OpenText™ B2B Integration Essentials
Global Product Authentication Service OpenText™ Core Product Traceability Service
Hybrid Cloud Management X (HCMX) OpenText™ Cloud Management [+ OpenText™ Core Cloud Management ]
Identity and Access Management (IAM) OpenText™ Core Secure Access
IDOL OpenText™ Knowledge Discovery (IDOL)
IDOL KeyView File Format Detection OpenText™ File Content Extraction (IDOL)
IDOL Natural Language Question Answering and Chatbot OpenText™ Analytics Conversation Server (IDOL)
InfoArchive OpenText™ Information Archive
Insight OpenText™ Core Insight
Intelligent Capture OpenText™ Capture
Intelligent Capture for SAP® Solutions OpenText™ Capture for SAP® Solutions
Internet of Things (IoT)/Aviator IoT OpenText™ Aviator IoT
Kinematik Document Control for Extended ECM OpenText™ Content Management with document control
Kinematik Project Control for Extended ECM OpenText™ Content Management with project control
Kinematik Quality Control for Extended ECM OpenText™ Content Management with quality control
Legal Hold OpenText™ Core Legal Hold
Lens OpenText™ Trading Grid Insights
LoadRunner Cloud OpenText™ Core Performance Engineering (LoadRunner Cloud)
LoadRunner Developer OpenText™ Performance Engineering for Developers (LoadRunner Developer)
LoadRunner Enterprise OpenText™ Enterprise Performance Engineering  (LoadRunner Enterprise)
LoadRunner Professional OpenText™ Professional Performance Engineering (LoadRunner Professional)
Magellan BI & Reporting OpenText™ Intelligence (Magellan) [+ OpenText™ Core Intelligence]
Magellan Data Discovery OpenText™ Data Discovery (Magellan)
Magellan Text Mining OpenText™ Intelligent Classification (Magellan)
Media Management OpenText™ Digital Asset Management [+ OpenText™ Core Digital Asset Management ]
NetIQ Access Manager OpenText™ Access Manager with Managed Services (NetIQ)
NetIQ AD Bridge OpenText™ Active Directory Bridge (NetIQ)
NetIQ Advanced Authentication OpenText™ Advanced Authentication (NetIQ) [+ OpenText™ Core Advanced Authentication]
NetIQ Advanced Authentication Connector for z/OS OpenText™ Advanced Authentication Connector for z/OS (NetIQ)
NetIQ Change Guardian OpenText™ Change Guardian (NetIQ)
NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator OpenText™ Directory and Resource Administrator (NetIQ)
NetIQ eDirectory OpenText™ eDirectory (NetIQ)
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator OpenText™ Group Policy Administrator (NetIQ)
NetIQ Identity Governance OpenText™ Identity Governance (NetIQ) [+ OpenText™ Core Identity Governance]
NetIQ Identity Manager OpenText™ Identity Manager (NetIQ) [+ OpenText™ Core Identity Manager]
NetIQ Identity Tracking OpenText™ Identity Tracking (NetIQ)
NetIQ LDAP Proxy OpenText™ LDAP Proxy (NetIQ)
NetIQ Policy Compliance Assessor OpenText™ Policy Compliance Assessor (NetIQ)
NetIQ Privileged Account Manager OpenText™ Privileged Access Manager (NetIQ) [ + OpenText™ Core Privileged Access Manager]
NetIQ Risk Service OpenText™ Risk Service (NetIQ)
NetIQ Secure API Manager OpenText™ Secure API Manager (NetIQ)
NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager OpenText™ Secure Configuration Manager (NetIQ)
NetIQ SecureLogin OpenText™ SecureLogin (NetIQ)
NetIQ Security Solutions for IBM i OpenText™ Security Solutions for IBM i (NetIQ)
NetIQ Universal Policy Administrator OpenText™ Universal Policy Administrator (NetIQ)
NetIQ Validator OpenText™ Validator (NetIQ)
Network Automation OpenText™ Network Automation
Network Detection & Response OpenText™ Network Detection & Response [ + OpenText™ Core Network Detection & Response]
Network Node Manager i (NNMi) OpenText™ Network Node Manager
Network Operations Management (NOM) OpenText™ Network Operations Management
Notifications OpenText™ Core Messaging
OpenText Brightcloud™ Threat Intelligence® OpenText™ Threat Intelligence (BrightCloud)
OpenText Capture Cloud Services OpenText™ Capture – Thrust API
OpenText Content Aviator OpenText™ Content Aviator
OpenText Core for SMAX OpenText™ Core Content Management with service management
OpenText Core for Supplier Exchange OpenText™ Core Collaboration for Engineering
OpenText Core Signature Service OpenText™ Signature Service – Thrust API
OpenText Decision Cloud Service OpenText™ Process Automation – Thrust API
OpenText Developer Cloud API consumption OpenText™ Thrust Services bundle
OpenText Discovery Cloud OpenText™ Discovery – Thrust API
OpenText Information Storage Cloud Services OpenText™ Information Storage – Thrust API
OpenText Knowledge Mapping Cloud Services OpenText™ Knowledge Mapping – Thrust API
OpenText Messaging Cloud Services OpenText™ Messaging – Thrust API
OpenText Metadata Cloud Services OpenText™ Metadata – Thrust API
OpenText Risk Management Cloud Services OpenText™ Risk Management – Thrust API
OpenText Test Data Management OpenText™ Test Data Management
OpenText Tokenization Cloud Services OpenText™ Tokenization – Thrust API
OpenText Workflow Cloud Service OpenText™ Process Automation – Thrust API
OpenText™ XM Fax | Digital Fax Software OpenText™ Core Fax
Operations Bridge OpenText™ AI Operations Management (Operations Bridge)
OpScope/Application Observability OpenText™ Core Application Observability
OpScope/Infrastructure Observability OpenText™ Core Infrastructure Observability
Optimost OpenText™ Core Web Optimization
Output Transformation Server OpenText™ Output Transformation Server
Project & Porfolio Management OpenText™ Project and Portfolio Management [+ OpenText™ Core Project and Portfolio Management]
Quality Center (ALM Quality Center) OpenText™ Application Quality Management [+ OpenText™ Core Application Quality Management]
Records Management eDOCS Edition OpenText™ Legal Records Management (eDOCS)
RightFax and RightFax Managed Service OpenText™ Fax (RightFax)
RightFax Connect OpenText™ Fax Cloud Connect (RightFax)
Service Management Automation X (SMAX) OpenText™ Service Management (SMAX) [+ OpenText™ Core Service Management]
Service Virtualization OpenText™ Service Virtualization [+ OpenText™ Core Service Virtualization]
Storage Manager OpenText™ Storage Manager
STP Financial Hub OpenText™ Financial Hub
SWIFT Service Bureau OpenText™ SWIFT Service Bureau
Tableau Forensic Bridges OpenText™ Forensic Bridge
Tableau Forensic TD4 Duplicator OpenText™ Forensic TD4 Duplicator
Tableau Forensic TX1 Imager OpenText™ Forensic TX1 Imager
Tableau Forensics OpenText™ Forensic Equipment
TeamSite OpenText™ Web CMS (TeamSite)
Trading Grid OpenText™ Trading Grid
Trading Grid API Connectors OpenText™ Trading Grid Connectors
Trading Grid Command Center OpenText™ Trading Grid Command Center
Trading Grid Messaging Service OpenText™ Trading Grid Messaging Service
UFT Developer OpenText™ Functional Testing for Developers [+ OpenText™ Core Functional Testing for Developers]
UFT Digital Lab OpenText™ Functional Testing Lab for Mobile and Web
UFT One OpenText™ Functional Testing [+ OpenText™ Core Functional Testing]
Universal Discovery/CMDB OpenText™ Universal Discovery and CMDB [+ OpenText™ Core Universal Discovery and CMDB]
ValueEdge Platform OpenText™ Core Software Delivery Platform
Vendor Invoice Management for SAP OpenText™ Vendor Invoice Management for SAP® Solutions
Vertica Analytics Platform OpenText™ Analytics Database (Vertica) [+ OpenText™ Core Analytics Database]
Voltage Fusion OpenText™ Core Data Discovery & Risk Insights (Voltage)
Voltage Fusion Data Access Governance OpenText™ Data Access Governance (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData Appliance OpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection Foundation (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData File Processor; Simple API; z/Protect OpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection APIs (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData Host SDK; Mobile SDK; Web OpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection Payments (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData Integrations for Snowflake; AWS; Azure; GCP; Hadoop; Teradata OpenText™  Data Privacy and Protection Integrations (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData Sentry OpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection Sentry (Voltage)
Voltage SecureData z/ Protect OpenText™ Data Privacy and Protection z Protect (Voltage)
Voltage SecureMail OpenText™ SecureMail (Voltage)
Voltage SecureMail Cloud OpenText™ SecureMail Cloud (Voltage)
Voltage SmartCipher OpenText™ SmartCipher (Voltage)
Voltage Structured Data Manager OpenText™ Structured Data Manager (Voltage)

Vanliga frågor om omprofilering

  • Vi byter namn för att bättre återspegla våra värderingar, produkterbjudanden och för att säkerställa att vi ger våra kunder en fräsch och modern upplevelse. Detta strategiska skifte inkluderar omprofilering av våra produkter med beskrivande namn och borttagande av undervarumärken för att öka tydligheten och och tillgängligheten för kunderna. Målet är att använda allmänt förstådda termer som tydligt tydligt förmedlar vår differentiering, underlättar tilläggsförsäljning och stärker vår identitet som ett molnfokuserat företag. Vår nya namngivning använder branschstandardiserade termer som kopplar dem direkt till varumärket OpenText varumärket och illustrerar bättre hur våra lösningar skapar värde för våra kunder.

  • Nej, våra produkter kommer att förbli av samma höga kvalitet som du känner till och älskar. Den nya varumärkesprofilen är inriktad på att fräscha upp vårt utseende, inklusive logotyper, förpackningar och produktnamn, men kärnutbudet och kvaliteten kommer att förbli konsekvent. Kunder med versioner som börjar med CE 24.4 kommer att märka uppdaterade produktnamn i användargränssnittet. Kunder med tidigare versioner kommer inte att uppleva ingen förändring.

  • Supportportalerna kommer inte att påverkas av namnändringarna i november. Kunderna kan fortsätta att söka efter produktdokumentation och artiklar i kunskapsbasen med hjälp av äldre produktnamn. Dessa namn kommer också att finnas kvar i produktrullgardinsmenyerna när man loggar in ett tekniskt supportärende och de kommer att fortsätta att visas i våra produktcommunities.